What's New!!

The Moland/Hutchinson family website was launched into cyberspace on July 29,2002


10/4.03 - Photos of the blanket that Sarah (Campbell) Moland made and also the original  Moland house (the one that burned down) were added to the site.
11/5/02 - Feedback Form - Let us know what you think of the site or ask questions.
10/21/02 - Information on the Indexed names for the surname Moland in the 1790-1850 Federal Census.
9/12/02 - Newspaper article on Milo Moland being chosen a deacon of the Alfred S.D.B. church.
9/09/02 - Toolbox Page 
             The names of Joseph Salisbury, Henry Salisbury, Neeltie Buys and Hiram Shears were 
              added to the family tree.
9/02/02 - New Links Page
              Surname List
              Relationship Chart
8/16/02 - Moland/Hutchinson Marriage Announcement
8/15/02 - Calendar of important dates in the Moland/Hutchinson family
8/14/02 - Maps of Alfred and Alfred Rural Cemetery
              Daniel Moland Probate Record - Includes Daniel Moland's Will
              Harriet Houghton Will

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